Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Can we ask for help other then ALLAH? PART 2

Can we ask for help other then ALLAH?

  Bismillahir Rehmanir Raheem 
Assalat-O-Wassalam-O-AlaikaYARASOOL ALLAH

       BY POWERSUNISAIFI   part 2

Hadith no 33
Sayyiduna Rasoolullah(Peace Be Upon Him) teaches how to call out:
اعينوا  يا عباد الله ! *
Help me, O servants of Allah!
رواه ابن ابىشيبة و البزار عن عبدالله ابن عبّاس  رضى الله تعالى عنهما *
Ibne Abi-Shaybah(Radi ALLAH Anho) and Bazaar(Radi ALLAH Anho) narrates this Hadith Shareef from Sayyiduna Abdullah ibne Abbaas

There are hundreds of comment and proofs of the Ahle-Sunnat A'imma and Ulama found in numerous Kitaabs on this subject. These were presented to the Wahabies on numerous occasions. They have seen it, read it, heard it and understood it but to this day, failed to accept or answer to it. Insha-Allah! They will not be able to answer these till Qiyamah.

Here, I will present a list of the names of great Imams and Ulama along with their undisputed and authentic Kitaabs in which they have proven the legality of Isti'aanat.
1. Shifa-us-Siqaam by Imam Allama Mujtahid Fahama Sayyidi Taqi-ud-deen Ali bin Abdul-Kaafi Subki
2. Kitaabul-Azkaar by Imam-e-Ajal Sayyidi Abu-Zakariyyah Nawawi
3. Ahya-ul-Uloom by Imamul-Anaam Hujjatul-Islam Qutbul-Wajood Muhammad Al-Ghazaali
4. Rodatur-Rayaheen,
5. Khulasatul-Mafakhir,
6. Nashrul-Mohasin by Imam-e-Ajal Arife-Billah Faqee-e-Muhaqqiq Abdullah bin Asad Yafa'ee
7. Hisne-Haseen by Imam Shamsudeen Abul-Khair ibne Jazri (Radi ALLAH Anho)
8. Mud'khal by Imam Ibnul-Haaj Muhammad Abdari Makki (Radi ALLAH Anho)
9. Mawahibul-Ladinnayah and
10. Manhe-Muhammadiyyah by Imam Ahmad Qastalaani
11. Afdalul-Qura li Qira-Ummul-Qura
12. Joharul-Munzam and
13. Oqoodul-Jimaam by Imam Arife-Billah Sayyidi Ibne-Hajr Makki
14. Mizaan-e-Shareeat-e-Kubra by Imam-e-Ajal Arife-Billah Abdul Wah’haab Sharaani(Radi ALLAH Anho)
15. Hirze-Thameen by Imam Muhaddith Mullah Ali Qaari Makki
16. Majma'ul Bihaarul-Amwaar by Imam Allama Taahir Fatni
17. Lam'aatul-Tanqeeh
18. Ash'atul-Lam'aat
19. Jazbul-Qoloob
20. Majma'ol Barkaat
21. Madarijun-Nobuwwah by Imam Sheikh-ush Shoyuokhe Ulama-e-Hind Muhaqqiq Abdul Haqq Muhadith Dehlawi
(Radi ALLAH Anho)
22. Fatawa-e-Khairiyyah by Imam Allama Khairul-ud-Deen Ramli(Radi ALLAH Anho)
23. Maraqi'ul Falah by Imam Hasan Wafa'ee Sharambalani(Radi ALLAH Anho)
24. Matale'ul Masarrat by Imam Allama Faasi
25. Sharha-Mawahib by Imam Allama Muhammad Zurqani
26. Naseemur-Riyaad by Imam Allama Shahaabudeen Khafaaji

In reality, there is an ocean of information on the legality of Isti'aanat. What can be said about the dirty eyes that cannot see the vast ocean? The Wahabi should soberly look at Sheikh-e-Muhaqqiq Moulana Abdul-Haqq Muhaddith Dehlawi's (Radi ALLAH Anho) translation of Mish'kaat Shareef. He gives the reference of the eminent Awliya-Allah and comments:

"The Masha'ikh-e-Ahle-Kashf have vastly commented on the seeking of Istimdaad and Isti'aanat from the souls of the Awliya-e-Kaamileen". These are all outside the category of Hasr.

The reality of the matter is that it is exactly the same. If one does not agree with me, then try to convince them by yourself. Let alone all these references, I will test their Imaan with only one quotation of the beloved son of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (Peace Be Upon Him), who is the Fountain of Excellence, Axis of the Awliya-Allah, Pivot of the Abdaal, Master of the Afraad, Treasury of ALLAH'S Secrets, Ocean of Wisdom, Imam of Shari’ah and the Brilliant Sun of Haqiqah, Qubtul-Aqtaab, Sayyiduna Ghousal-A’zam Sayyid Sheikh Abu-Muhammad Abdul-Qaadir Hasani Husaini Jilaani Baghdadi(Radi ALLAH Anho). This quotation is not recorded in any ordinary Kitaab by any unknown author. Great and illustrious Imams and Awliya of this Ummah record this in their famous Kitaabs. They are:

1. Imam-e-Ajal Arife-Billah Muhaddith Faqhi Sayyiduna Imam Abul-Hasan Noorudeen Ali bin Jareer Lakh'mi Shat’
nooni(Radi ALLAH Anho) in his Bahjatul-Asraar Shareef.
2. Imam-e-Akram Sheikhul-Foqaha Fardul-Orafa Sayyiduna Imam Abdullah bin As'ad Yafa'ee Shafa'ee Makki(Radi
ALLAH Anho) in his Khulasatul-Mafakhir.
3. Muhaddith-e-Kabeer Sheikhul-Haram Moulana Mullah Ali Qaari Hanafi Al-Hirwi Makki(Radi ALLAH Anho) in his
4. Baqiyatus-Salf Jaleelush-Sharf Moulana Abul-Ma'aali Qaaderi(Radi ALLAH Anho) in his Tohfa-e-Qaaderiyyah.
5. Sheikhush-Shoyookh Muhaqqiq Faqi Arif-e-Nabeel Imam Abdul-Haqq Muhaddith Dehlawi(Radi ALLAH Anho) in his Akhbaar-al-Akhyaar and Zubdatul-Aa'thaar.

The great Ghous, Sayyiduna Sheikh Abdul-Qaadir Jilaani(Radi ALLAH Anho), states:

من استغاث بي في كربة كشفت عنه ، و منناداني باسمي في شدة فرّجت عنه ، من توسّلبي إلى الله في حاجة قضيت حاجته ، من صلّىركعتين يقرء في كلّ ركعة بعد الفاتحة سورةالإخلاص احدى عشرة مرّة ثمّ يصلّى و يسلّم علىالنبي صلى الله تعالى عليه و سلّم بعد السلام منالتشهّداحدى عشر ة مرّة و يذكره ثمّ يخطوا الىجهة  العراق إحدى عشرة خطوة و يذكر اسمي ويذكر حاجته فانّها تقضى بإذن الله تعالى

"Anyone who calls out to me in times of difficulties, it will be removed. If anyone takes my name at times of hardship and calls out, the hardship will be eased. And if anyone presents my Waseela in the Court of ALLAH and makes Du’a, his desires will be fulfilled. If anyone performs two Rakaats of Salaah and recites Sura Ikhlaas eleven times after Sura Fateha in both Rakaats, then terminates the Salaah with Salaam and remembers Sayyiduna Rasoolullah by reading eleven times Salawaat (Durood Shareef) on him, thereafter, takes eleven steps towards the direction of Baghdad Shareef and takes my name and mentions your request, by the Command of the Merciful Allah, your desire will be fulfilled." (Buh'jatul Asraar, Page 295)

Imam Ahmed Raza (Radi ALLAH Anho) comments:

يقول العبد صدقت ياسيّدي يامولائي رضى الله تعالى عنكو عن كلّ من كان لك و منك ، الحمد لله الّذى جعلك وارثابيك المرسل رحمة و مولى النعمة ، وصلى اللهتعالى على ابيك و عليك وعلى كلّ من انتمى اليك و باركو سلّم وشرف و كرم، آمين آمين يا ارحم الراحمين ،والحمدلله رب العلمين 

"O my Master! You have spoken the truth and may ALLAH be pleased with you and all those who are with and from you. All Praises are for ALLAH who has made you the Waarith (Heir) to your Father (the Prophet r), the mercy of the universe. May ALLAH shower His Choicest Mercies, excellence and honour on your Father (the Nabi), on you and all those who are linked with you. Aameen! Aameen!"

Hadrat Sheikh Abu-Ma'aali(Radi ALLAH Anho) in his narration's records the words of Sayyiduna Sheikh Abdul-Qaadir Jilaani(Radi ALLAH Anho) Kashaf'tu, Farraj'tu and Qaday'tu in the Sigha (Tense) of Mutakal’lim (first person). He translates them as follows:

Allama Mullah Ali Qaari Makki (Radi ALLAH Anho), after recording this Riwayah, comments:

و قد جرّب ذالك مرارا فصحّ رضى الله تعالى عنه 

"Verily, this was tested several times and proven as the Grand Sheikh said, “May ALLAH'S Pleasure be with the Sheikh”.

Important Point:

Allama Shah Abdul-Azeez Muhaddith Dehlawi(Radi ALLAH Anho) in his Fathul-Azeez reports the correct incident as follows:

Sheikh Sufyaan Thouri(Radi ALLAH Anho) led the evening Salaah. He fell unconscious to the ground when he reached the Ayah, 
ايّاك نعبد وايّاك نستعين . When he regained consciousness, the people asked what had happened to him. He replied, "When I reached  ايّاك نستعين(Thee do we ask for help) I feared that I may not be told, ‘O liar! Why do you then take medicine from the Doctor, sustenance from the rich and assistance from the king?’ Therefore, some Ulama state that man should be ashamed to ALLAH that he stands in the presence of the Mighty Lord U five time a day and lie to Him. But it is Haraam to seek the assistance of anyone other than ALLAH with a belief that that person is self-sufficient and is not a manifestation and medium of ALLAH'S Help. When seeking help from anyone, one must always bare in mind that ultimately, help comes from ALLAH Who gives it through certain of His creations. This is the Hikmah of ALLAH and is done in this way for reasons best known to Him. Though in appearance, help is sort from anyone but, in reality, it is ALLAH who Gives the Help. This is not contrary to Irfaan (Wisdom) and permitted by the Shari'ah. The Noble Ambiya and Awliya had also sort such Isti'aanat. In reality, such Isti'aanat is not sought from Ghair (other than ALLAH) but from ALLAH.

Subhan-Allah! I am referring to tests that were often carried out in the past. One of the Wahabi candidates was
Nawaab Dehlawi who refutes the legitimate Isti'aanat in his book Zafre-Jaleel. What is their comment on this great Sahih and agreed Hadith Shareef quoted in three of the Siha-Sitta Kitaabs of Hadith?

يا محمداني توجّهت بك الى ربي في حاجتي هذهلتقضى لى 

This Sahih Hadith Shareef is recorded in Jameh-Tirmidi, Sunan-e-Nisa'ee and Ibne-Maaja. Great Muhadditheen like Imam Tirmidi(Radi ALLAH Anho), Imam Tabraani(Radi ALLAH Anho), Imam Bay'haqi(Radi ALLAH Anho), Imam Abu-Abdullah Haakim(Radi ALLAH Anho) and Imam Abdul-Azeem Munzari(Radi ALLAH Anho) all classify this Hadith Shareef as Sahih. Sayyiduna Rasoolullah(Peace Be Upon Him) personally taught this Hadith Shareef to the Sahaba(Peace Be Upon Him) for the purpose of Qada-e-Hajaat (fulfillment of desires). The Sahaba practiced this teaching in the holy era of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah(Peace Be Upon Him) and the Taba'ee in the time of Ameeril-Moh'mineen Sayyiduna Uthmaan Al-Ghani(Radi ALLAH Anho). What was in this teaching? It was nothing but, "O Prophet of Allah(Peace Be Upon Him)! I turn to Allah with your Waseela so that He grants me my desires."
ALLAH forbid! There are no traces of personal powers 
(قدرت بالذات)in this that upset Nawaab Sahib. He shamelessly discards the pristine teachings of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (Peace Be Upon Him) and turns a blind eye at the obedience and actions of the noble Sahaba and Taba'ee. He also undermines the authority of the great Muhadditheen. He arrogantly leaves the boundaries of Shari'ah and comments in the commentary of Zafre-Jaleel that this Hadith Shareef is not Sahih and not considered as worthy of proof.

Imam Faqhi Muhaddith Khatimul-Mujtahideen Allama Taqi-ud-deen Abul-Hasan Ali bin Abdul-Kaafi Subki(Radi ALLAH Anho), in his famous Kitaab, Shifa-us-Siqaam, has proven the legality of Isti'aanat from numerous Sahih-Ahadith and thus comments:

ليس المراد نسبة النبي صلى الله تعالى عليه وسلم الى الخلق و الاستقلال بالافعال هذا لايقصدهمسلم فصرف الكلام اليه و منعه من باب التلبيسفى الدين و التشويش على عوام الموحدين 

"Seeking assistance from Sayyiduna Rasoolullah(Peace Be Upon Him) does not mean that the Nabi(Peace Be Upon Him) is ALLAH who possesses exclusive and absolute powers. This incorrect interpretation to forbid Isti'aanat is certainly a deception in Deen. This will cause gross confusion amongst the general Muslim public."

The great Faqhi and Muhaddith Allama Muhaqqiq Arif-e-Billah Imam Ibne-Hajr Makki(Radi ALLAH Anho), in his famous works, Johar-e-Munazzam, proves the legality of Isti'aanat from the Hadith Shareef and comments:

فالتوجّه والاستغاثة به صلى الله تعالى عليه و سلّمو بغيره ليس لهما معنى فى قلوب المسلمين غيرذالك ولايقصد بها احد منهم سواه فمن لم ينشرحصدره لذالك فليبك على نفسه نسأل الله العافيةوالمستغاث به فى الحقيقة هو الله والنبي صلىالله تعالى عليه و سلّم واسطة بينه و بينالمستغيث ، فهو سبحانه تعالى مستغاث بهوالغوث منه خلقا وايجادا والنبي صلى الله تعالىعليه و سلّم مستغاث والغوث منه سببا و كسبا*   

N.B. There are explanatory words included in the following translation to make it easy for the general public to understand.

"Seeking help from Sayyiduna Rasoolullah(Peace Be Upon Him) or from Prophets and Awliya refers to one intention in the hearts of the Muslim. No Muslim has any other intention whatsoever besides this. If the (rejecter’s) hearts fail to accept this, then they should cry in regret at their pathetic state. We seek good fate from the Merciful Lord. In reality, we seek all our Isti'aanat from Almighty ALLAH and regard the Nabi(Peace Be Upon Him) as a medium (Waseela) between the seeker (creation) and Giver (ALLAH. Since ALLAH is the Creator and the Independent Real Granter (Haqeeqi-wa-Zaati) of everything, therefore, in reality, assistance is directed to Him and He makes available His Divine Assistance as the Creator of the universe. Sayyiduna Rasoolullah(Peace Be Upon Him) is the Khalifa-e-A’zam (most senior representative) of Almighty ALLAH and certainly the manifestation of Divine powers. Almighty ALLAH has granted unique authority and power to His beloved Prophet(Peace Be Upon Him). So the Nabi's (Peace Be Upon Him) powers are not personal but a gift (Ataa'ee) of ALLAH. Hence, when assistance is sort from the Nabi(Peace Be Upon Him), he exercises the powers granted to him by ALLAH and fulfills the requests and comforts the seeker with his Divinely blessed mercies. The Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) is the appointed distributor of ALLAH'S Mercies and a medium (Waseela) to obtain ALLAH'S Help."

There is no doubt in this fact. I have fully explained this reality above. Surprisingly, they cannot 

remember the
words of their senior elders, Shah Waliullah Dehlvi, who clearly accept Sultaanul-Awlia Ghuosal-Azam Sayyiduna
Sheikh Abdul-Qaadir Jilaani(Radi ALLAH Anho) as a helper who grants succor in times of need.

Shah Wali’ullah Muhaddith Dehlawi(Radi ALLAH Anho) in his Ash'hatul-Lam'aat states:

Today, if anyone develops a relation with the special Soul (Ruh-e-Khaas) and receives spiritual benefits from it, then it is not surprising that this excellence is achieved due to the Nisbah (relation) with Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (Peace Be Upon Him) or Ameeril-Moh'mineen Sayyiduna Ali(Radi ALLAH Anho) or Ghouse-A’zam Sheikh Abdul-Qaadir Jilaani.

Shah Abdul Azeez Muhaddith Dehlawi(Radi ALLAH Anho) while discussing the Beloved Nabi(Peace Be Upon Him)
comments in his Tafseer-e-Azeezi:

If any human achieves high spiritual status in this world, it is due to a small portion of excellence of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (Peace Be Upon Him) blessed to the Awliya of this Ummah. By the Barakah of this excellence, these Awliya become a spiritual retreat for humanity and made beloved in their hearts. Such was the state of Sayyiduna Ghousal-A’zam Sheikh Abdul-Qaadir Jilaani(Radi ALLAH Anho) and Sultaanul Masha'ikh Hadrat Nizaamudeen Awliya (Radi ALLAH Anho) - may ALLAH sanctify their souls.

Khaja Mirza Mazhar Jaane-Jaana(Radi ALLAH Anho) states in his Maktobaat:

Commenting on the command of Sayyiduna Ghousal-Azam Sheikh Abdul Qaadir Jilaani(Radi ALLAH Anho) "My foot is on the necks of all Awliya", he writes in the same Malfozaat, “The concentration (Tawajjah) of Ghousus-Thaqalain seems to be found in a very great degree in the Masha'ikh of the Silsila. I have not met anyone of the Silsila that is not dependent on the attention of the great Ghous”.
Qaadi Thana’ullah Panipati(Radi ALLAH Anho) writes in his Saiful-Mas'lool:

Initially the spiritual grace and bounty of the station of Wilayat first descended on one person. Thereafter, through this special person it was distributed to the Awliya of every era. No Wali received these favours from a source other than this elite servant of ALLAH. Before the birth of Ghouse-A’zam Sayyid Abdul-Qaadir Jilaani(Radi ALLAH Anho), this station was held by Imam Hasan Askari(Radi ALLAH Anho) and controlled by his sanctified soul. When the great Ghous(Radi ALLAH Anho) was born, it was handed over to him. This station will be under the supreme command of the sanctified soul of Sayyiduna Sheikh Abdul-Qaadir Jilaani(Radi ALLAH Anho) until the appearance of the promised savior, Sayyiduna Imam Muhammad Al-Mehdi(Radi ALLAH Anho). Therefore, the great Ghous declared (Radi ALLAH Anho), “This foot of mine is on the necks of all Awliya-Allah”. Also, the other saying of Sayyiduna Sheikh Abdul-Qaadir Jilaani(Radi ALLAH Anho) “Sayyiduna Nabi Moosa bin Imraan was my brother and friend” refers to the excellence of this very high station of Wilayat-e-Kubra.

Let alone all these proofs and quotations, let us examine the belief of the father of Wahabism in the Indo-Pak sub-continent. He is none other than Mia Isma'eel Dehlawi, who comments about his Peer and Murshid in his famous Wahabi manual, Siraatul-Mustaqeem:

The sacred souls of Hadrat Ghousus-Thaqalain and Hadrat Khaja Baha'udeen Naqshaband were concentrating (Tawajjah) on my Murshid. He further states, A person came to my Murshid and requested to become a Mureed in the Qaadiriyyah order. This person had indeed great love and inclination towards Sayyiduna Ghousal-A’zam. My Murshid then initiated him as a Qaadiriyyah disciple. He (Isma’eel Dehlawi) further states, The illustrious Awliya like Sayyiduna Ghous-e-Paak and Hadrat Khaja-e-Buzrugh (Naqshaband). 

The very same Imamul-Wahabiyyah, in his lecture on slaughtering animal states in his Zubdatun-Nasa'eh:

There is no harm if a person raises a goat at home, so that it may grow up healthy and slaughters it to cook food, and offer the Fateha as Thawaab to Ghousal-A’zam(Radi ALLAH Anho) and feed the people.

I question your Imaan! Does not Ghousal-A’zam mean “The biggest helper” or does it mean something else? Let your Imaam translate the title Ghousus-Thaqalain. Does it not mean “The helper of human and Jinns” or is it some thing else? According to your (Wahabi) beliefs, is this not blatant Shirk? Why do you not then brand the elders of your household as Mushriks and Kaafirs? Your Imaam and elder of your family are subscribing to clear Shirk beliefs. If you were sincere then you would have labeled them as Mushriks, otherwise your Shari'ah is homemade because its Fatwa applies only to outsiders and not the household.

What a tragedy! The mentality of the followers of the Wahabi Imaam (Isma’eel Dehlawi) has knocked the last nail on his coffin. The Imaam had taught the students the rules and laws of Shirk, therefore the sincere student,
Nawaab Bhopali Bhadur, whispered softly, “To say Ghous-e-A’zam or Ya Ghousas-Thaqalain is not free from Shirk”. It is the corrupt Wahabi Imaam that has led the followers to the deep ocean. Then they pushed him overboard and laughed while the poor Imaam drowned.

إني برئ منك انى أخاف الله رب العالمين * "Verily, we are far away from them (Wahabies) and we certainly fear the Lord of the Universe". 

This is their funeral and they are welcome to cry over it. Is there anyone to listen to the Truth?

"There are two disasters on the life of Majno. One is the company of Layla, and the other is her absence."
ضعف الطالب و المطلوب *  لبئس المولى و لبئس العشيره و حسبنا الله و نعم الوكيل * ولاحول ولاقوة الا بالله العزيزالحكيم * نعم المولى و نعم النصير * والحمد لله ربالعالمين  و قيل بعدا للقوم الظالمين * و صلى الله تعالىعلى سيد المرسلين غوث الدنيا و غياث الدين سيدنامحمد و آله و صحبه أجمعين آمين 

By the Divine Grace of Almighty Allah, this brief but informative answer will suffice to remove doubts from the hearts and minds of the Muslims created by the notorious Wahabi.
Ibne Abi-Shaybah(Radi ALLAH Anho) and Bazaar(Radi ALLAH Anho) narrates this Hadith Shareef from Sayyiduna Abdullah ibne Abbaas


There are hundreds of comment and proofs of the Ahle-Sunnat A'imma and Ulama found in numerous Kitaabs on this subject. These were presented to the Wahabies on numerous occasions. They have seen it, read it, heard it and understood it but to this day, failed to accept or answer to it. Insha-Allah! They will not be able to answer these till Qiyamah.

Here, I will present a list of the names of great Imams and Ulama along with their undisputed and authentic Kitaabs in which they have proven the legality of Isti'aanat.
1. Shifa-us-Siqaam by Imam Allama Mujtahid Fahama Sayyidi Taqi-ud-deen Ali bin Abdul-Kaafi Subki
2. Kitaabul-Azkaar by Imam-e-Ajal Sayyidi Abu-Zakariyyah Nawawi
3. Ahya-ul-Uloom by Imamul-Anaam Hujjatul-Islam Qutbul-Wajood Muhammad Al-Ghazaali
4. Rodatur-Rayaheen,
5. Khulasatul-Mafakhir,
6. Nashrul-Mohasin by Imam-e-Ajal Arife-Billah Faqee-e-Muhaqqiq Abdullah bin Asad Yafa'ee
7. Hisne-Haseen by Imam Shamsudeen Abul-Khair ibne Jazri (Radi ALLAH Anho)
8. Mud'khal by Imam Ibnul-Haaj Muhammad Abdari Makki (Radi ALLAH Anho)
9. Mawahibul-Ladinnayah and
10. Manhe-Muhammadiyyah by Imam Ahmad Qastalaani
11. Afdalul-Qura li Qira-Ummul-Qura
12. Joharul-Munzam and
13. Oqoodul-Jimaam by Imam Arife-Billah Sayyidi Ibne-Hajr Makki
14. Mizaan-e-Shareeat-e-Kubra by Imam-e-Ajal Arife-Billah Abdul Wah’haab Sharaani(Radi ALLAH Anho)
15. Hirze-Thameen by Imam Muhaddith Mullah Ali Qaari Makki
16. Majma'ul Bihaarul-Amwaar by Imam Allama Taahir Fatni
17. Lam'aatul-Tanqeeh
18. Ash'atul-Lam'aat
19. Jazbul-Qoloob
20. Majma'ol Barkaat
21. Madarijun-Nobuwwah by Imam Sheikh-ush Shoyuokhe Ulama-e-Hind Muhaqqiq Abdul Haqq Muhadith Dehlawi
(Radi ALLAH Anho)
22. Fatawa-e-Khairiyyah by Imam Allama Khairul-ud-Deen Ramli(Radi ALLAH Anho)
23. Maraqi'ul Falah by Imam Hasan Wafa'ee Sharambalani(Radi ALLAH Anho)
24. Matale'ul Masarrat by Imam Allama Faasi
25. Sharha-Mawahib by Imam Allama Muhammad Zurqani
26. Naseemur-Riyaad by Imam Allama Shahaabudeen Khafaaji

In reality, there is an ocean of information on the legality of Isti'aanat. What can be said about the dirty eyes that cannot see the vast ocean? The Wahabi should soberly look at Sheikh-e-Muhaqqiq Moulana Abdul-Haqq Muhaddith Dehlawi's (Radi ALLAH Anho) translation of Mish'kaat Shareef. He gives the reference of the eminent Awliya-Allah and comments:

"The Masha'ikh-e-Ahle-Kashf have vastly commented on the seeking of Istimdaad and Isti'aanat from the souls of the Awliya-e-Kaamileen". These are all outside the category of Hasr.

The reality of the matter is that it is exactly the same. If one does not agree with me, then try to convince them by yourself. Let alone all these references, I will test their Imaan with only one quotation of the beloved son of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (Peace Be Upon Him), who is the Fountain of Excellence, Axis of the Awliya-Allah, Pivot of the Abdaal, Master of the Afraad, Treasury of ALLAH'S Secrets, Ocean of Wisdom, Imam of Shari’ah and the Brilliant Sun of Haqiqah, Qubtul-Aqtaab, Sayyiduna Ghousal-A’zam Sayyid Sheikh Abu-Muhammad Abdul-Qaadir Hasani Husaini Jilaani Baghdadi(Radi ALLAH Anho). This quotation is not recorded in any ordinary Kitaab by any unknown author. Great and illustrious Imams and Awliya of this Ummah record this in their famous Kitaabs. They are:

nooni(Radi ALLAH Anho) in his Bahjatul-Asraar Shareef.
2. Imam-e-Akram Sheikhul-Foqaha Fardul-Orafa Sayyiduna Imam Abdullah bin As'ad Yafa'ee Shafa'ee Makki(Radi
ALLAH Anho) in his Khulasatul-Mafakhir.
3. Muhaddith-e-Kabeer Sheikhul-Haram Moulana Mullah Ali Qaari Hanafi Al-Hirwi Makki(Radi ALLAH Anho) in his
4. Baqiyatus-Salf Jaleelush-Sharf Moulana Abul-Ma'aali Qaaderi(Radi ALLAH Anho) in his Tohfa-e-Qaaderiyyah.
5. Sheikhush-Shoyookh Muhaqqiq Faqi Arif-e-Nabeel Imam Abdul-Haqq Muhaddith Dehlawi(Radi ALLAH Anho) in his Akhbaar-al-Akhyaar and Zubdatul-Aa'thaar.

The great Ghous, Sayyiduna Sheikh Abdul-Qaadir Jilaani(Radi ALLAH Anho), states:

من استغاث بي في كربة كشفت عنه ، و منناداني باسمي في شدة فرّجت عنه ، من توسّلبي إلى الله في حاجة قضيت حاجته ، من صلّىركعتين يقرء في كلّ ركعة بعد الفاتحة سورةالإخلاص احدى عشرة مرّة ثمّ يصلّى و يسلّم علىالنبي صلى الله تعالى عليه و سلّم بعد السلام منالتشهّداحدى عشر ة مرّة و يذكره ثمّ يخطوا الىجهة  العراق إحدى عشرة خطوة و يذكر اسمي ويذكر حاجته فانّها تقضى بإذن الله تعالى

"Anyone who calls out to me in times of difficulties, it will be removed. If anyone takes my name at times of hardship and calls out, the hardship will be eased. And if anyone presents my Waseela in the Court of ALLAH and makes Du’a, his desires will be fulfilled. If anyone performs two Rakaats of Salaah and recites Sura Ikhlaas eleven times after Sura Fateha in both Rakaats, then terminates the Salaah with Salaam and remembers Sayyiduna Rasoolullah by reading eleven times Salawaat (Durood Shareef) on him, thereafter, takes eleven steps towards the direction of Baghdad Shareef and takes my name and mentions your request, by the Command of the Merciful Allah, your desire will be fulfilled." (Buh'jatul Asraar, Page 295)

Imam Ahmed Raza (Radi ALLAH Anho) comments:
يقول العبد صدقت ياسيّدي يامولائي رضى الله تعالى عنكو عن كلّ من كان لك و منك ، الحمد لله الّذى جعلك وارثابيك المرسل رحمة و مولى النعمة ، وصلى اللهتعالى على ابيك و عليك وعلى كلّ من انتمى اليك و باركو سلّم وشرف و كرم، آمين آمين يا ارحم الراحمين ،والحمدلله رب العلمين 

"O my Master! You have spoken the truth and may ALLAH be pleased with you and all those who are with and from you. All Praises are for ALLAH who has made you the Waarith (Heir) to your Father (the Prophet r), the mercy of the universe. May ALLAH shower His Choicest Mercies, excellence and honour on your Father (the Nabi), on you and all those who are linked with you. Aameen! Aameen!"

Hadrat Sheikh Abu-Ma'aali(Radi ALLAH Anho) in his narration's records the words of Sayyiduna Sheikh Abdul-Qaadir Jilaani(Radi ALLAH Anho) Kashaf'tu, Farraj'tu and Qaday'tu in the Sigha (Tense) of Mutakal’lim (first person). He translates them as follows: 

Allama Mullah Ali Qaari Makki (Radi ALLAH Anho), after recording this Riwayah, comments:

و قد جرّب ذالك مرارا فصحّ رضى الله تعالى عنه 

"Verily, this was tested several times and proven as the Grand Sheikh said, “May ALLAH'S Pleasure be with the Sheikh”.

Important Point:

Allama Shah Abdul-Azeez Muhaddith Dehlawi(Radi ALLAH Anho) in his Fathul-Azeez reports the correct incident as follows:

Sheikh Sufyaan Thouri(Radi ALLAH Anho) led the evening Salaah. He fell unconscious to the ground when he
reached the Ayah, 
ايّاك نعبد و ايّاك نستعين . When he regained consciousness, the people asked what had happened to him. He replied, "When I reached  ايّاك نستعين (Thee do we ask for help) I feared that I may not be told, ‘O liar! Why do you then take medicine from the Doctor, sustenance from the rich and assistance from the king?’ Therefore, some Ulama state that man should be ashamed to ALLAH that he stands in the presence of the Mighty Lord U five time a day and lie to Him. But it is Haraam to seek the assistance of anyone other than ALLAH with a belief that that person is self-sufficient and is not a manifestation and medium of ALLAH'S Help. When seeking help from anyone, one must always bare in mind that ultimately, help comes from ALLAH Who gives it through certain of His creations. This is the Hikmah of ALLAH and is done in this way for reasons best known to Him. Though in appearance, help is sort from anyone but, in reality, it is ALLAH who Gives the Help. This is not contrary to Irfaan (Wisdom) and permitted by the Shari'ah. The Noble Ambiya and Awliya had also sort such Isti'aanat. In reality, such Isti'aanat is not sought from Ghair (other than ALLAH) but from ALLAH.

Subhan-Allah! I am referring to tests that were often carried out in the past. One of the Wahabi candidates was
Nawaab Dehlawi who refutes the legitimate Isti'aanat in his book Zafre-Jaleel. What is their comment on this great Sahih and agreed Hadith Shareef quoted in three of the Siha-Sitta Kitaabs of Hadith?

يا محمداني توجّهت بك الى ربي في حاجتي هذهلتقضى لى 

This Sahih Hadith Shareef is recorded in Jameh-Tirmidi, Sunan-e-Nisa'ee and Ibne-Maaja. Great Muhadditheen like Imam Tirmidi(Radi ALLAH Anho), Imam Tabraani(Radi ALLAH Anho), Imam Bay'haqi(Radi ALLAH Anho), Imam Abu-Abdullah Haakim(Radi ALLAH Anho) and Imam Abdul-Azeem Munzari(Radi ALLAH Anho) all classify this Hadith Shareef as Sahih. Sayyiduna Rasoolullah(Peace Be Upon Him) personally taught this Hadith Shareef to the Sahaba(Peace Be Upon Him) for the purpose of Qada-e-Hajaat (fulfillment of desires). The Sahaba practiced this teaching in the holy era of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah(Peace Be Upon Him) and the Taba'ee in the time of Ameeril-Moh'mineen Sayyiduna Uthmaan Al-Ghani(Radi ALLAH Anho). What was in this teaching? It was nothing but, "O Prophet of Allah(Peace Be Upon Him)! I turn to Allah with your Waseela so that He grants me my desires."
ALLAH forbid! There are no traces of personal powers (
قدرت بالذات) in this that upset Nawaab Sahib. He shamelessly discards the pristine teachings of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (Peace Be Upon Him) and turns a blind eye at the obedience and actions of the noble Sahaba and Taba'ee. He also undermines the authority of the great
Muhadditheen. He arrogantly leaves the boundaries of Shari'ah and comments in the commentary of Zafre-Jaleel
that this Hadith Shareef is not Sahih and not considered as worthy of proof.

Imam Faqhi Muhaddith Khatimul-Mujtahideen Allama Taqi-ud-deen Abul-Hasan Ali bin Abdul-Kaafi Subki(Radi ALLAH Anho), in his famous Kitaab, Shifa-us-Siqaam, has proven the legality of Isti'aanat from numerous Sahih-Ahadith and thus comments:

ليس المراد نسبة النبي صلى الله تعالى عليه وسلم الى الخلق و الاستقلال بالافعال هذا لايقصدهمسلم فصرف الكلام اليه و منعه من باب التلبيسفى الدين و التشويش على عوام الموحدين 
"Seeking assistance from Sayyiduna Rasoolullah(Peace Be Upon Him) does not mean that the Nabi(Peace Be Upon Him) is ALLAH who possesses exclusive and absolute powers. This incorrect interpretation to forbid Isti'aanat is certainly a deception in Deen. This will cause gross confusion amongst the general Muslim public."
The great Faqhi and Muhaddith Allama Muhaqqiq Arif-e-Billah Imam Ibne-Hajr Makki(Radi ALLAH Anho), in his famous works, Johar-e-Munazzam, proves the legality of Isti'aanat from the Hadith Shareef and comments:

فالتوجّه والاستغاثة به صلى الله تعالى عليه و سلّمو بغيره ليس لهما معنى فى قلوب المسلمين غيرذالك ولايقصد بها احد منهم سواه فمن لم ينشرحصدره لذالك فليبك على نفسه نسأل الله العافية والمستغاث به فىالحقيقة هو الله والنبي صلى الله تعالى عليه وسلّم واسطة بينه و بين المستغيث ، فهو سبحانهتعالى مستغاث به والغوث منه خلقا وايجادا والنبي صلى الله تعالى عليه وسلّم مستغاث والغوث منه سببا و كسبا*
N.B. There are explanatory words included in the following translation to make it easy for the general public to understand.

"Seeking help from Sayyiduna Rasoolullah(Peace Be Upon Him) or from Prophets and Awliya refers to one intention in the hearts of the Muslim. No Muslim has any other intention whatsoever besides this. If the (rejecter’s) hearts fail to accept this, then they should cry in regret at their pathetic state. We seek good fate from the Merciful Lord. In reality, we seek all our Isti'aanat from Almighty ALLAH and regard the Nabi(Peace Be Upon Him) as a medium (Waseela) between the seeker (creation) and Giver (ALLAH. Since ALLAH is the Creator and the Independent Real Granter (Haqeeqi-wa-Zaati) of everything, therefore, in reality, assistance is directed to Him and He makes available His Divine Assistance as the Creator of the universe. Sayyiduna Rasoolullah(Peace Be Upon Him) is the Khalifa-e-A’zam (most senior representative) of Almighty ALLAH and certainly the manifestation of Divine powers. Almighty ALLAH has granted unique authority and power to His beloved Prophet(Peace Be Upon Him). So the Nabi's (Peace Be Upon Him) powers are not personal but a gift (Ataa'ee) of ALLAH. Hence, when assistance is sort from the Nabi(Peace Be Upon Him), he exercises the powers granted to him by ALLAH and fulfills the requests and comforts the seeker with his Divinely blessed mercies. The Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) is the appointed distributor of ALLAH'S Mercies and a medium (Waseela) to obtain ALLAH'S Help."

There is no doubt in this fact. I have fully explained this reality above. Surprisingly, they cannot remember the
words of their senior elders, Shah Waliullah Dehlvi, who clearly accept Sultaanul-Awlia Ghuosal-Azam Sayyiduna
Sheikh Abdul-Qaadir Jilaani(Radi ALLAH Anho) as a helper who grants succor in times of need.

Shah Wali’ullah Muhaddith Dehlawi(Radi ALLAH Anho) in his Ash'hatul-Lam'aat states:

Today, if anyone develops a relation with the special Soul (Ruh-e-Khaas) and receives spiritual benefits from it, then it is not surprising that this excellence is achieved due to the Nisbah (relation) with Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (Peace Be Upon Him) or Ameeril-Moh'mineen Sayyiduna Ali(Radi ALLAH Anho) or Ghouse-A’zam Sheikh Abdul-Qaadir Jilaani.

Shah Abdul Azeez Muhaddith Dehlawi(Radi ALLAH Anho) while discussing the Beloved Nabi(Peace Be Upon Him)
comments in his Tafseer-e-Azeezi:

If any human achieves high spiritual status in this world, it is due to a small portion of excellence of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (Peace Be Upon Him) blessed to the Awliya of this Ummah. By the Barakah of this excellence, these Awliya become a spiritual retreat for humanity and made beloved in their hearts. Such was the state of Sayyiduna Ghousal-A’zam Sheikh Abdul-Qaadir Jilaani(Radi ALLAH Anho) and Sultaanul Masha'ikh Hadrat Nizaamudeen Awliya (Radi ALLAH Anho) - may ALLAH sanctify their souls.

Khaja Mirza Mazhar Jaane-Jaana(Radi ALLAH Anho) states in his Maktobaat:

Commenting on the command of Sayyiduna Ghousal-Azam Sheikh Abdul Qaadir Jilaani(Radi ALLAH Anho) "My foot is on the necks of all Awliya", he writes in the same Malfozaat, “The concentration (Tawajjah) of Ghousus-Thaqalain seems to be found in a very great degree in the Masha'ikh of the Silsila. I have not met anyone of the Silsila that is not dependent on the attention of the great Ghous”.
Qaadi Thana’ullah Panipati(Radi ALLAH Anho) writes in his Saiful-Mas'lool:

Initially the spiritual grace and bounty of the station of Wilayat first descended on one person. Thereafter, through this special person it was distributed to the Awliya of every era. No Wali received these favours from a source other than this elite servant of ALLAH. Before the birth of Ghouse-A’zam Sayyid Abdul-Qaadir Jilaani(Radi ALLAH Anho), this station was held by Imam Hasan Askari(Radi ALLAH Anho) and controlled by his sanctified soul. When the great Ghous(Radi ALLAH Anho) was born, it was handed over to him. This station will be under the supreme command of the sanctified soul of Sayyiduna Sheikh Abdul-Qaadir Jilaani(Radi ALLAH Anho) until the appearance of the promised savior, Sayyiduna Imam Muhammad Al-Mehdi(Radi ALLAH Anho). Therefore, the great Ghous declared (Radi ALLAH Anho), “This foot of mine is on the necks of all Awliya-Allah”. Also, the other saying of Sayyiduna Sheikh Abdul-Qaadir Jilaani(Radi ALLAH Anho) “Sayyiduna Nabi Moosa bin Imraan was my brother and friend” refers to the excellence of this very high station of Wilayat-e-Kubra.

Let alone all these proofs and quotations, let us examine the belief of the father of Wahabism in the Indo-Pak sub-continent. He is none other than Mia Isma'eel Dehlawi, who comments about his Peer and Murshid in his famous Wahabi manual, Siraatul-Mustaqeem:

The sacred souls of Hadrat Ghousus-Thaqalain and Hadrat Khaja Baha'udeen Naqshaband were concentrating (Tawajjah) on my Murshid. He further states, A person came to my Murshid and requested to become a Mureed in the Qaadiriyyah order. This person had indeed great love and inclination towards Sayyiduna Ghousal-A’zam. My Murshid then initiated him as a Qaadiriyyah disciple. He (Isma’eel Dehlawi) further states, The illustrious Awliya like Sayyiduna Ghous-e-Paak and Hadrat Khaja-e-Buzrugh (Naqshaband). 

The very same Imamul-Wahabiyyah, in his lecture on slaughtering animal states in his Zubdatun-Nasa'eh:

There is no harm if a person raises a goat at home, so that it may grow up healthy and slaughters it to cook food, and offer the Fateha as Thawaab to Ghousal-A’zam(Radi ALLAH Anho) and feed the people.

I question your Imaan! Does not Ghousal-A’zam mean “The biggest helper” or does it mean something else? Let your Imaam translate the title Ghousus-Thaqalain. Does it not mean “The helper of human and Jinns” or is it some thing else? According to your (Wahabi) beliefs, is this not blatant Shirk? Why do you not then brand the elders of your household as Mushriks and Kaafirs? Your Imaam and elder of your family are subscribing to clear Shirk beliefs. If you were sincere then you would have labeled them as Mushriks, otherwise your Shari'ah is homemade because its Fatwa applies only to outsiders and not the household.

What a tragedy! The mentality of the followers of the Wahabi Imaam (Isma’eel Dehlawi) has knocked the last nail on his coffin. The Imaam had taught the students the rules and laws of Shirk, therefore the sincere student,
Nawaab Bhopali Bhadur, whispered softly, “To say Ghous-e-A’zam or Ya Ghousas-Thaqalain is not free from Shirk”. It is the corrupt Wahabi Imaam that has led the followers to the deep ocean. Then they pushed him overboard and laughed while the poor Imaam drowned.

إني برئ منك انى أخاف الله رب العالمين * "Verily, we are far away from them (Wahabies) and we certainly fear the Lord of the Universe". 

This is their funeral and they are welcome to cry over it. Is there anyone to listen to the Truth?

"There are two disasters on the life of Majno. One is the company of Layla, and the other is her absence."
ضعف الطالب و المطلوب *  لبئس المولى و لبئس العشيره و حسبنا الله و نعم الوكيل * ولاحول ولاقوة الا بالله العزيزالحكيم * نعم المولى و نعم النصير * والحمد لله رب العالمين  و قيل بعدا للقوم الظالمين * و صلى اللهتعالى على سيد المرسلين غوث الدنيا و غياث الدينسيدنا محمد و آله و صحبه أجمعين آمين 

By the Divine Grace of Almighty Allah, this brief but informative answer will suffice to remove doubts from the hearts and minds of the Muslims created by the notorious Wahabi.



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